Friday 8 April 2022

Sunday, April 3, 2022


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Ananda, once again, officiated an amazing fire ceremony at which two special people from Scarborough took progressive steps towards Godhead. First of all, Ganapati, the local treasurer for the ISKCON centre there, accepted his second initiation or brahminical initiation. He is a very “grounded” person, as Ananda put it. I asked Ganapati if he would consider taking some lessons on counselling, which, to a large extent, is the type of service a brahmin offers to a community. He accepted.

Now what are issues that might tax an individual or challenge a household or community? Drugs? Teenage pregnancy? Depression? Addictions? Gender confusions? Serious stuff. All of the above.

We do need to react to such concerns in a community. At least it is my suggestion; that some persons be trained in helping people who need to be heard. In confidence.

The other person to receive diksha, or initiation, is Diane. It’s her first initiation and she accepted the name Damayanti Dasi. She is a very sincere soul and I wish her the best on this journey of bhakti.

From the ceremony in Scarborough, Mahadeva, Annapurna, and I headed for the yoga studio at Hess Village in Hamilton. Once again Monica, the owner, and Chris, the facilitator, allowed us to use the space to send enchantment through the ether. In the not-too-distant future-weather will invite us to the out-of-doors; where more souls can benefit. It was great having Varun on the drum when we dedicated the kirtan in his dad’s honour. He was a cancer patient and passed away in February. We hope that our mantras will send him to Godhead.

May the Source be with you!

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