Monday 4 April 2022

Friday, April 1, 2022

Mississauga, Ontario

What to Do About Too Much Food?

People do pranks on this day, April Fool’s Day. In the secular culture it is common enough, but within the confines of our ashram there is so little of that happening on this annual date.

Personally, I would easily declare myself as Fool Number 1, in the sense that my level of surrender trails behind what it should be. The path of devotion, while simple in procedure, still makes its demands. Exercising self-discipline is not always the easiest course.

Tonight, I attended a sangha, a small gathering of devotional folks in Mississauga, and the hosts, Dharma and Manasi Ganga, prepared an elaborate feast. They asked me before hand, days ago, what I would like in the way of supper. Since they asked, I specified – avocado, asparagus, roasted veggies, and some super healthy drink consisting of lemon, ginger, jaggery, and water. They devotionally prepared these delicious items… and more. Delicious dahl, a paneer veg, sambar, and bananas made from the stove to the table.

Did I exercise restraint? To some degree. To some extent, I was proud of myself in terms of withholding. The tongue can be voracious, especially when items of prasad are so well executed. There is absolute deliciousness.

After two Gita Chat Zoom sessions with the sangha visitors and others who joined the called from outside, Gungam gave me a lift to return to the ashram and I asked him to drop me off so I can burn off some of the karmic calories. He felt obliged and left me at Eglinton, from where I trekked the rest, until I reached home.

May the Source be with you!

4 km


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