Thursday 30 September 2021

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Brampton, Ontario



“Don’t you have a nightguard?” asked the woman.

I had to think about the question in the context of a dental clinic space. We are not talking about a security guard standing outside of our temple ashram, keeping an eye on possible hooligans or thieves breaking in. The dental assistant, this kind woman, merely asked if I have a custom-made mold of my teeth, to be worn at night to protect myself from grinding my teeth.

My somewhat hesitant reply to her was, “I do have one, but I haven’t been using it. I don’t believe I’m grinding my teeth at night.” But much truth is told at a dental clinic, like a guru offering his student some self analysis. The assistant revealed that my teath are wearing down, which was not known to me. The pics taken of my teeth show it.

So, now I will have to reconnect with my tooth nightguard and attend to another part of my physical machinery.

The word yantra appears in The Gita, where Krishna states we are all souls in yantras or machines, made of material energy.

As an adult, as a human and, on top of that, as a monk I have this obligation to look after myself so I can prolong my services to others, to humanity and to Krishna. Looking after a new knee isn’t enough. The machine needs much attention. Our bodies belong to the Creator and not to us.

My visit to the dentist in Brampton brought out a simple moment of truth.

May the Source be with you!


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