Wednesday 1 September 2021

Saturday, August 14, 2021

El Dorado Park, Brampton


A Joke, A Park and the Mantra


One of our newcomers, Ralph, sent me the following. It’s hilarious. Although I’m not fond of automobiles I got a good chuckle from this. Thanks Ralph.


“Pan handler is going door-to-door asking for money and goes up to this one house to ask for money when the guy says, ‘I’m not going to give you money for nothing. You have to work for it.’ He says, ‘If you paint my front porch then I’ll give you money.’ Pan handler agrees. He then finished painting and goes back to the owner and says, ‘I finished painting. Oh, and by the way, it’s not a porch it’s a Ferrari!’”


That was a knee slapper. Only thing is I wouldn’t slap my knees these days, especially the one going through a healing process – the left one.


At El Dorado Park in Brampton where devotees were to have yoga and kirtan, I met my physio guy, Paramahamsa. With me now using a single cane (I graduated from crutches to walking poles and now a cane) this walking doctor of mine, coached me a bit during the yoga and kirtan. That was great.


Then a group of us scooted over to High Park in Toronto for a killer kirtan. Ajamila lead and had to settle for me as the mridanga drummer. Sweet melodies though.


While at the park I also ‘Zoomed’ a class to a group of devotees in Windsor. From chapter 11 of The Gita perhaps the most important sloka (verse) is number 54. Check it out!


May the Source be with you!


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