Tuesday 31 May 2022

Saturday, May 28, 2022

Moncton, New Brunswick

Perfect Saturday

Louis is a musician in town who holds mini-concerts in his home. For years he resided in Toronto’s “Little India,” where he purchased and played instruments traditional to Mother India – everything from mrdanga drums to sitar and ecktar. Tonight was our night to hold our concert, which included a book launch for The Saffron Path. It was after our music that Louis pulled out, one by one, his musical string pride in the form of instruments from origins in China, India, and Arabic lands.

We were packed in Louis’ living room, half with musicians and half with spiritualists and healers. All got charged up by the chants that our group of four projected through the mics and monitors. They were loving it. Some of the attendees dove in to our small boutique corner purchasing books and beads for the hands and beads for the neck.

You could not experience a better Saturday night. It was the ultimate party, not in a traditional wild sense, but in a “natural high” experience. The musicians were totally in sync with our groove. We were one.

For me personally, the warm up for the evening was the walk along the Petitcodiac River at low tide (here you can witness the world’s highest tide). Ryan and I took to the wind, the sun, and the smell of lilac. It was all good.

May the Source be with you!

5 km


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