Saturday 26 January 2019

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Toronto, Ontario

In Dryness and Slush

Over the weekend, an Ayurvedic doctor read my pulse and offered a few suggestions.  “Avoid sour if you can.  Too much acid is not good for you.”  He also implied, because I do a certain amount of walking each day, my feet, in particular, get too dry.  “Rub some sesame oil on the bottom of the feet before resting.” 

Those two steps were easy enough to follow, so I’ve begun.

I stayed overnight at Nanda and Ananda’s place, since their home is close to my dental appointment which was early in the morning.  The dental assistant who cleaned my teeth showed a real interest in mantra meditation. She also showed interest in helping me with better tooth care and gave me recommendations.  It looks like I received help from head to toe in the last twenty-four hours.

Then it was my turn to give to humanity what I needed to do for my own wellness, in addition to the wellness of others. There was already a demand for help. Circumstances (which I cannot reveal here for privacy sake) were in a queue, through text messages, telephone calls and  personal visits.  Each person had questions or just wanted to mildly vent.  It was okay.  Everything came in small instalments.  

The Tuesday sangha was on with discussions from Chapter Two of the Gita.  That was definitely a mental calmer.  And then more peace of mind came along later, while walking the slushy evening streets of the downtown.  Weather had warmed up.  Chanting softly over the slush helps one cool down.

May the Source be with you!
7 km

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