Tuesday 11 December 2018

Wednesday, December 5th, 2018

Matanzas, Cuba

Last Fall Day In Cuba

The goat, a baby, was lost from its herd and crying for help like anything.  Enroute to Varadero, our party of three made a stop-over in Matanzas, the "city of intellectuals," as people say.  We made our way to the peak elevation and to an old church where tourists love to be trapped for an hour or so.  The view is exquisite.  Great place for a picnic.  Also, excellent for a kirtan.  We did the above with devotees from the area.  Animals come up here to graze, ranging from horses, to cows and goats.

One goat, as I said, a baby, was led astray. He was anxious for Mom.  A horseback farmer noticed the panic-stricken goat, came over, swooped him up and brought him back to his domain—the herd.

Oh, we can be lost.  As souls, disconnected from the world of brahman, we are lost, separated from our Great Master.  We have to work diligently to get back to our home of freedom.

When back at Memories Resort in Varadero, Ananda and I had a swim and breathed fresh air; Havana is not a place for that.  We had someone behind us, a Canadian dude, start talking to us.  Because of the sikhas, the back tuft of hair we both sported, the fellow made a connection between us and some famous kick-boxers who evidently have that pony-tail.  I clarified who we actually were while in our swim gear.  From here on we got to talking about control of the senses, yoga with mantras, and agreeing to co-operate with the universe through dharma, and how then, although small, a mere cog in the universe, we will get the power and freedom which we deserve. 

"We need to approach it all with humility."

May the Source be with you!
5 km

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