Friday 21 December 2018

Tuesday, December 18th, 2018

 Cleveland / Detroit / Toronto / Montreal

Flying to Places

I left Cleveland via air with a stop-over in Detroit, and after a second flight, which landed me in Toronto, my two companions, Ananda and Jay, drove me to Montreal.  We were on the go.  But for a slight delay in Toronto—one winter tire was to replace the summer tire—we kept flying.  While the tire was being replaced I saw the opportunity to head south on Dufferin and walk into pure sunlight.

Now, when I say ‘flying’, the two drivers were actually more like pilots.  They took turns behind the wheel but their right feet were a little heavy on the pedal. 

"Guys, slow down!  We're going to die!"

Other than that the drive was pleasant on the 401, the country's busiest road.  As a monk who travels constantly I have to be innovative when it comes to engaging myself on long journeys like this.  Most motorists will have the radio on or play their favourite music.  However, those of us who follow a spiritual culture will have our preference of listening to devotional sound, or reading from a text, such as we did.  The book, Chaitanya Bhagavat, follows the life of the iconic kirtan monk, Chaitanya.  It is relishable to move in the footsteps of such a renunciant's travels.

After reaching our destination on Pie IX Boulevard in Montreal, we caught the tail end of the reading of the Bhagavad-gita.  It just so happens that today is the anniversary of when the Gitawas spoken by Sri Krishna, a message relatable to all.  How does one resolve uncertainties in life?  How do we increase our coping power?  How can we implement acceptance over apprehension?  How to clear doubt?  The Gita addresses opportunities.

May the Source be with you!
3 km

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