Monday 7 December 2009

Thursday, December 3rd, 2009

Feel For Others

Toronto, Ontario

“There is this phrase, Para duhka dukhi,” I said over the phone.

“ Can you say that again, please Maharaja?” said the caller in a genuine curious tone.

And So I repeated it, “para dukha dukhi, which means that a saint is pained to see others in pain. For himself he feels less concern but when he witnesses the anguish that people go through it compels him or her to do something to help.”
The caller was pleased to learn of this new “mantra.” He found it very profound and would attempt to apply this natural born anguish that we have for ourselves and then transfer it over to someone else. Compassion would be a word to describe the concern we have over others who struggle.

Being that it is Christmas it becomes a very appropriate time to demonstrate this compassion. Not the very best comes out in people this time of year. The pressure is on to put yourself in debt over gifts which many folks are not able to afford. It doesn’t take much to walk the street and see the tormented brow on the public. If the face is the index of the mind then it is at this time of the year that faces express the blues more than a happy cheerfulness.

“Can you say that again once more? I’ll write it down this time”, the caller said.

“Para duhka dukhi,” is what I recited again. Let’s have a feeling for others. Let’s feel their pain and the effect is that your problems become trivial.

3 Km

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