Friday 1 January 2010

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009

The Decaying of a Decade

Toronto, Ontario

It is wrap up time. The year comes to a close and also a decade. What did we see and hear? The year 2000, the start of a millennia, pulled off a colossal joke - Y2K. Who will forget? The following year we saw the world in a panic. The twin towers collapsed. Nature pulled punches and struck out in the form of Tsunami in the east. New Orleans also got hit by a major splash. There was global warming and cooling. Polar bears were drowning. The American economy experienced a major downturn which impacted the world. It was interesting over this past decade.

And for me personally two major walks brought me across Canada after completing one in '96. A devotee, Haridas, kindly suggested I try to venture beyond the Great White North, so I tagged on Ireland as a place to trek. Guyana came next, then Fiji's invitation. For at least a dozen good reasons, I now continue on a roll, like a sannyasi, or like a rolling stone (that collects no moss) by moving continually.

Each trip has been special, carrying its own sweetness of adventure, allowing karma to dissolve behind me as I take each step forward. One dear godbrother from Vancouver, Goshthakur, spotted one verse from a Sanskrit text, "Manu Samhita", regarding walking. The gist of it was that sins do deteriorate upon walking long distances. As you advance with your stepping and as you detach yourself from long periods of stay at any one place, karma has a hard time to accumulate. I look to future stretches on the road for the coming decade, if not decades.

5 Km

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