Wednesday 23 September 2015

Sunday, September 20th, 2015

Sunday, September 20th, 2015
Boston/Natick, Massachusetts

Champions Never Go to Sleep

From 72 Commonwealth in Boston at the ISKCON centre, Vivasvan and I set foot on the pathway of the Boulevard and headed west embarking on the first of many steps to cover about six states. On Facebook our pilgrimage project can be viewed under the heading, 'Walking For Our Teachers.' More broadly, this walk is significant in that we pay homage to the people who help us see and do what we could not before. More personally, we take to the road to recognize our own guru's work as he reached out and touched our hearts so that we can see the world by a different light.

We trekked along Beacon St, bore left to reach Centre St. moving through various communities. When our GPS guided us to Highway 9 it looked a bit gloomy. Although there was a sidewalk, it was crooked and broken up because of under usage. "You mean we are going to walk along a fast highway for days?"

Fortunately, at Wellesley we spotted a parallel road and switched. This was more like it. A gentleman sitting at a park bench with newspaper in hand who was kind and expressed he's deep into Zen recommended the new road that would take us to our final steps - to the Town Hall of Natick.

Vivasvan stuck by me all along up to this point before Vicky came to pick us up. Interaction with people was mostly with a swift, "Hi!" but the most precious remark came from a young chap who was climbing into a car with his two companions after an all-nighter. Being the last to get in, he noticed the two of us, raised his arms and said, "Champions never go to sleep!" It was about 6:30 AM and my thought was that Arjuna, the famed warrior of the epic "Mahabharat", was addressed by Krishna as Gudakesh (conqueror of sleep). Well, we had our sleep alright. We started early with our trekking because I believe heroes always rise early.

A second but public and official kick-start to the walking happened after 3 PM today. From the stage at Boston Commons, a send-off kirtan party led myself and others to Commonwealth Pier where the whole Hare Krishna thing unofficially started 50 years ago.

May the Source be with you!

27 km/17 miles


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