Saturday 6 September 2014

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2014

Montreal, Quebec
The Trash Task
It’s painful to see the waste all around.  You’ll walk up a street and see rejected furniture, for instance, a big sofa set, tables, chairs, beds, and mattresses.  Often they look to be in good condition.  Then you have lined-up on the street bags and bags of wrapping, compost, and all kinds of refuse.  It’s all neatly consolidated into shiny bags of plastic.
Then, there’s the scrap yard.  Have you ever walked through one?  I have!  It’s like a visit to hell.  Speaking of which, we can all feel the weight of guilt because it’s all one big SIN!  We all contribute to “the pile.” 
Our turnover of stuff is phenomenal.  We are very good at trashing, and that’s not only with stuff.  We do it to people.  We do it to our partner.  We do it to God!
Again we make it all look good.  Landfill makes great landscape with a bunch of smooth sod over it.  I’m sarcastic, of course.
Have you ever walked over a beach full of empty disregarded plastic bottles?  I have!  You couldn’t see the sand.  I was slipping on the bottles and struggled to keep my balance.  I felt bad at that point, not sorry for myself.  I felt bad being a human and contributing to the culture of junk.
Now, I might complain about the trash without.  I must also contend with the trash within.  Clean up time!  That’s a herculean task!
May the Source be with you!
10 KM

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