Sunday 20 April 2014

Thursday, April 17th, 2014

Durban, South Africa

On Anger

SB 1.7.34

I was asked to give the class from Bhagavatam, SB 1.7.34.  This I did after a brisk walk.  Here are points we came up with on this interesting subject.


1)      A product of passion
2)      It breeds bewilderment and blocks the brain
3)      It’s a beast that can be tamed
4)      An explosive that blows up in your face
5)      It’s what’s behind 4
6)      It means you’re not appreciating
7)      It could mean you didn’t get enough sleep
8)      A temper tantrum triggered by the tempter/temptress
9)      It becomes a great opportunity for picking up a drum and creating nice music (kirtan)
10)   Controlling it is a great victory
11)   It’s a big expenditure to check, and for clean up after damage is done
12)   When you keep a lid on it, it turns into a nice prep
13)   It does have its place (as in anger over abuse issues).  Know when to use it.

May the Source be with you!

5 KM

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