Friday 19 December 2014

Saturday, December 6th, 2016

Hamilton, Ontario

Coming Together

According to chapter 18, verse 5 of the Bhagavad Gita, a person in the renounced order of life (that’s me), encourages the sacrifice of the vivaha-yagna, marriage.  The purport by our guru, Srila Prabhupada, makes a point of this as a wholesome principle.  Let’s face it, most people will end up being in a relationship.  To solemnize it, a spiritual person is asked to get involved. 

It was in Brampton that I had the honour to be there for this “blessing” while speaking a few words on the opportunity for a couple to truly develop communication skills and exercise patience through a God-centric partnership.  We wish well the matched two people in this regard. 

In Hamilton, a group of seekers I guess you could say, showed up for one of those Nine Devotions Workshops that we conduct from time to time.  What a fabulous group they are.  Each individual, of which I know little regarding marital status, all who came were of marriageable age, but here, matrimony was not our topic.  Connecting with the divine was through these often familiar processes identified as healing exercises:

1.       Shravanam – reflecting hearing.
2.       Kirtanam – penetrative chanting.
3.       Smaranam – positive recalling.
4.       Pada Sevanam – sincere serving.
5.       Archanam – image honouring.
6.       Vandanam – power praying.
7.       Dasyam – submissive connecting.
8.       Sakhyam – friendship building.
9.       Atmani Vedanam – sweet surrendering.
We had a blast connecting. 

May the Source be with you!

0 KM

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