Friday 14 February 2014

Tuesday, February 11th, 2014

Noida, India 
Dusty Street  
While I had a chance, I went for a stroll on a dusty street and made friends with a cow.  I made enemies with dogs.  I tried to follow the old and wise directive, "Let sleeping dogs lie”.  I was trying to do just that, but one of the mutts was awoken by my foot steps, and that was it. They blasted out their barking.
I also tried to connect with a pedestrian youth by saying, "Hare Krishna!" as it's common enough in India, but he remained resolute in his purpose.  He noticed me for sure, but he had been plugged in with a white i-pod, so I didn't matter. 
I did befriend a Chaukidhar, a security person with uniform and stick, near someone’s lot.
You will sometimes succeed in friend making, other times not. 
The big news in India is about a tigress out in the wilderness who claimed her eighth human victim in a rural area. The last one was a 78 year old man where remains were found by locals. "Gruesome!"  “Sad karma!" were my thoughts.
I was chanting japa during this time of the short stroll and mentally addressing or taking note of all the interactions both repelling and attracting which were all very real. Then a moment of truth gripped me in the course of the walk, in the course of the chant – “I have so much cleaning to do."  Nothing in this was to do with laundry but only to do with the internal cleanse.  It hit me like a ton of bricks. 
There is all kinds of trash within all of us that needs nullification. The individual endeavour to "clean house",  so to speak,  the human obligation.  I can’t fault a pack of dogs for barking or a hungry tiger on the prowl, or even judge a youth for being in his own little world.  Even when petting the cow at the flabby neck her response wasn't 100% courteous.  I have got my own inebriety to work on.
So, absorb myself in the mantra as best I can and carry on. 
May the Source be with you!
3 KM

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