Saturday 10 January 2009

Friday, January 9th, 2009

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

I was savoring some soothing moments contemplating the devotional program of the night before, held at the home of a friend just outside this neat and clean city. I facilitated Nine Devotional Methods to a group of seekers. Amongst them was my brother, Paul, a retired naval office, his wife, Joyce and eighteen year old son, John. For me their participation became a devotional landmark. Their willingness to participate was casual and voluntary. After thirty five years of taking to monasticism I found my kid-brother accepting this sharing process. He remarked after the session, “I know what you are. I just never knew what you do.” Somehow we came closer to each other.

Truly there never was a distance. My siblings and I were rather a tight-knit in our growing years. You could say it was a functional family. After a stroll on Gourman Rd and then in the neighborhood of the late Emily Carr, Canadian impressionist artist who often used as her subject the totem poles of the Haida Nation, a group of four of us sailed by ferry to the mainland. With Vancouver Island behind us we talked the balance of the day.

Before evening commitments evolved I managed a third walk off of Marine Drive where I came upon thorny blackberry vines in an undeveloped lot. Disentanglement was tough at this post-dusk period. Metaphorically these hurdles are like life. As I set myself loose of the prickly vines and struggled through dead and living branches it confirmed that we must always endeavor to get loose of what holds us back.

This lesson was a message I conveyed to a family from the Vancouver ISKCON community. Two months ago their son Sahil Sharma a young college student was last known to take his bus home from school. He never made it home and has been missing since then. The grieving parents are devastated. The mounties investigating the case have no lead.

So to tell the distraught family that karma is such that we get what we deserve is never comforting nor is it a complete explanation. My associate for the night Jaya Govinda and I offer the spark of hope. “Chant! Pray! As we will do. Pray for protection”.

6 Km


Jahnava dasa said...

Hare Krishna H.H. Bhaktamarga Swami.

Please accept my humble obeinsances.All Glories To Srila Prabhupada.
I offer you many, many thanks for your fun and uplifting visit here in Victoria.It has been a long time since we have had a visitor like you,( or maybe we haven't)and I feel fornunate to have been present.
But luckily a visit like this can stored in the memory bank and be everlasting.It is your smile I remember the most.And a smile like this shows true happiness.Srila Prabhupada had a amazing smile which radiated PURE LOVE AND HAPPINESS.I am thankful for your website as I can see this smile when ever I need to remind my memory bank of what happiness looks like.Keep smiling as this is a reminder to others of what truely being happy looks like !As to be happy is the path that Krishna Consciousness is so truly all about.
Thanks again.sincerely Jahnava das.

Jahnava dasa said...

Hare Krishna H.H. Bhaktamarga Swami.
Please accept my humble obeinsances.
All Glories To Srila Prabhupada.

I want to kindly thank you for your visit to us here in Victoria.It is rare for us to have a visitor like you (we may never have).What I remember most about your visit was your smile.This smile showed true happiness.I was fortunate to have been present that evening and now have your smile in my memory bank.Srila Prabhupada had a amazing smile which radiated PURE LOVE AND HAPPINESS.And the main goal of Krishna Consciousness is to find happiness.I am also thankful for your website as when my memory bank is low I can see your smile and be reminded of happiness again.Please keep smiling as this is a great reminder for us of what happiness looks like,as this is what we are all searching for.many thanks again ! sincerely Jahnava das.