Wednesday 10 February 2016

Saturday, January 30th, 2016

Saturday, January 30th, 2016                           
Berbice, Guyana


Farmers might be considered stewards of the earth as long as too much damage is not done to the soil, the waterways and so forth.  During the course of our short jaunt we met a lively turkey farmer.  For the life of me, I couldn’t understand his accent.  When it comes to Guyanese folks’ speaking I must put my ear close and maybe ask them to repeat the message as well as to slow it down.  This very animated man was delighted that we would take his photograph in the midst of his flock and that we would send it around the world.  In our keen interest to communicate with him I dare not ask what he will end up doing with the poor things- the turkeys.  I do appreciate though, that he’s a man of God.  This was obvious by how well he took to Drona, Raphaldo, and I all dressed in dhotis.

We also connected with Steve. Steve saw us down the road, some six kilometers, on his way home from work, we were in his neighbourhood.  The strategy of walking to get people’s attention is a technique that works.  Steve was on his bike now and he stopped out of curiosity. So we chatted about spirituality.

Drona and I also did the same in the Berbice area.  We just walked up and down streets, met people, asked their names, took photos with them and left them with mantra cards.  As we would leave them they would start chanting, especially the children, most probably for the first time.

To a fully capacitated home, owned by Arjun, I spoke from the Bhagavad-gita 10.9 on the topic of counteracting gossip by conversation about the Supreme.  At this night-spot it was astounding how people responded to the message and to the kirtan.  Very successful! People responded to a relevant topic- gossip.
May the source be with you!


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