Sunday 7 February 2010

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010


Toronto, Ontario

This day and tomorrow is spent on preparation for the flight to India. One of the best ways to prepare for my journey in the air, as mentioned before, is to put in some walking. Our superstar monk, Dustin, from Halifax (they all are over there), Premavati, one of our Toronto nuns and I made our way to a ravine at 5:30AM for a genuine work-out. It is a real workout considering the steepness in some areas and the sliding conditions with snow and ice, and trying to hold on to your japa (meditation beads). What an obstacle course! At moments you are forced to be extremely attentive to the meditative sound as you are holding on for dear life to branches of trees, fallen trunks and clutching on to anything you can grab.

We did not intend to hit an obstacle course. Once we were in the ravine ice paths on acute angles caused us to detour. Anyways we built up a good sweat. I’m now 57 and proud that I can do this stuff. I hope it continues for another 20 years.

While in the Caribbean last week I came to know that a good number of our devotees were apprehensive to join in the walking and why? There are serious diabetic problems amongst those in their 40’s. Can it be the rich food and lack or little of any exercise? This is not exactly what our guru, Srila Prabhupada, had in mind for us. He desired healthy followers.

I cannot label one part of the world as guilty of not being physically active enough. It is across the board, this issue of poor health. If you want to make a difference try trekking our icy ravine and then come and give a class from the Bhagavatam book. That’s what’s happening with me. I’m liking it.

I admire the stout and strong image of Bhaktisiddhanta. For a monk he seemed to carry a powerful demeanor both physically and spiritually. Today was his birth anniversary and he is noted for many honorable contributions such as ushering in the chanting process into India’s time of industrialization.

5 Km

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