Tuesday 10 November 2009

Saturday, November 7th, 2009

A Wish to Address Crime

Detroit, Michigan

The morning message from the book Bhagavatham was about the heroic aspect of Krishna who delivered ladies in peril, kidnapped by a villain Shankacuda. Crime is what it is when the innocent suffer. It is understood that Krishna’s intent in coming to our world was to correct criminals. Who are these criminals anyway? Who are the innocent? We might consider that we all have a streak of “criminal” in us.

In the Bhagavad-Gita, chapter 3 offers a rather truthful statement regarding out thieving nature. There it is said that those who show no gratitude for food we eat are declared “guilty” insofar as stealing is concerned. Some acknowledgement or some recognition of the powerful providers, the demi-gods, is the least one can do. Better still, if you can honour the presiding power over the provider, Krishna himself, then you have come upon something really good.

I spent a good while with Yugal Kishor, Wayne state university student/monk in front of the old Fisher mansion-turned-temple. In the sixties, perhaps earlier, the nieghbourhood just south of affluent Gross Point fell into decline. The area had become crime-ridden. Mr. Fisher had built the home in the car hey day. It was in the 20’s that this great auto baron was worth 500 million dollars. He had influence. Amongst celebrities here were people like Gloria Swanson and Jean Harlow. That is all in the past.

The old mansion had been acquired by followers of Krishna and they are maintaining the structure as a temple. The very bright Yugal Kishor was talking to me about his desire to involve more of the local youth, some of whom are prone to get into trouble with substance abuse and other levels of crime. I concurred with him that something should be done. The Motor City deserves a chance.

1 Km

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