Tuesday 4 November 2008

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008

Sunday, November 2nd, 2008 - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

There are always sincere seekers surfacing and making inquiries into the Absolute. Here at the centre on Somerset East after explaining the melodic lyrics of a song “Damodarastaka” some bright inquisitive faces came forward. They were young men who wanted clarification on the nature of the Absolute as a person. Those relatively new seekers also became personally involved in the dance portion of the Sunday gathering. In fact the entire group attending became immersed in a kind of polka-square dance moving to the tempo and beat of drum and accordion and the sound of mantra.

After my talk and the chanting session a fellow by the name of Sunny asked if I knew Nostradamus. I said that I was quite aware of some of this visionary’s prophecies. Sunny proceeded to tell me that Nostradamus predicted that India’s faith and culture will dominate the world. I foresee that this could be so when the young and the curious participate with open hearts in all the joyful expression.

Mind you, this is a world of duality in which we live and not all person exposed to Krishna Consciousness are happy campers. One individual whom I spoke with earlier in the day expressed his disappointment with operations in our society which he accused of not having all priorities in order. It was difficult to have dialogue because the person was overcome with more emotion than with any attempt towards reflective listening. What can be done? Listen is the best we can do and offer help and show friendship. One day a real dialogue can flower. As a person in his delivery: “Maybe I’m wrong and I’ll be able to see it different some day.” So I felt hopeful.

2.5 Km

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