Sunday 26 August 2018

Monday, August 20th, 2018

Ottawa, Ontario

I Said, “Hello!”

I said, “Hello!”

“Hi!” she said.  “What are you?”

“A monk; a Hare Krishna monk.”

She introduced herself as Sally, and then asked, “So, what do you think of the world?”

“Confused! Always is.  History proves it.”

She persisted.  “Why is it that way?”

“There was a time when the powers that be would take advice from virtuous thinkers,” I said.  “But no  more.”

“It’s corruption, isn’t it, that’s making this world what it is?  It’s the corruption that runs our world,” said Sally.

“Ah! Greed has gripped us.  We can’t make the world better unless we clean ourselves.”

Sally agreed that there’s a dark side in all of us.  Sally was not quite ready for a book by our guru but receptive to take a mantracard and let us know that she’ll try our Govinda’s once it opens in the school season.  Sally was good.

Krishna Dulal and Vraja drove me to their home in Russell, for an evening sangawith kids in Krishna.  More than half were attentive.  It’s hard to anchor the minds of the little ones.

May the Source be with you!
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