Thursday 17 January 2013

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

Tana Was Found
Toronto, Ontario
Tana was found (refer to yesterday’s entry). A neighbour saw Tana, a Siberian Husky, missing one leg, meandering in the park where she lost track of her owner. The neighbour brought the pet back to her home.
“That was a display of neighbourliness,” I said to the relieved owner, the name of whom I don’t know. You get to know the dog or the master, the saying is, ‘You love me, you love my dog’.
I really enjoyed the trek today taken at dusk or near dusk taken at 4:30 PM. Admittedly, the days are slowly getting longer. By the time I left Moore Park and then Rosedale Valley Road, it was clearly dark 2 hours later. I had chanted that whole time. I got my walking and chanting in for the day.
What else?
It struck me that having been away from Canada for a week and in the safe haven of the devotee community of Houston for that time, I’d been cut off from mundane goings on. “What’s going on with the news lately?” I thought. Even though a friend of mine, a temple goer, recently said, “I’m on a news fast,” I was curious to know the latest. The last breaking news item that I recall was the tragedy in Connecticut where innocent children were shot to death in a school. I had asked one of the younger monks in the ashram to pick up a news paper. “Here’s a dollar.” He came back with the Toronto Star. The jist of the news wasn’t really that exciting, yet as a leader of a community, I feel obliged to be a little informed. I was merely reminded of the trivial nature of the global scene. More unrest in the middle east, a renowned champion cyclist admits to steroid taking, and after a long strike, the NHL National Hockey League gets back into action.
I became informed but I didn’t become enlightened. This is a confession from a cynic of sorts. Even cynics may have something truthful to say.
I looked at the back cover of a book by Carl Woodham, entitled: A God Who Dances: Krishna for You, before retiring for the evening. There’s a quote there from existentialist Nietzsche, and the quote is, “If they want me to believe in their God, they’ll have to sing me better songs… I could only believe in a God who dances.”
Reading that was good news.
10 KM

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