Monday 7 May 2012

Saturday, May 5th, 2012


Milton, Ontario

"Kway!" we addressed him. Kway is the common greeting in the Huron language.  And "him" is the guide who is in period costume (but is actually a Scotsman). The place is a re-constructed longhouse village where remains of an actual 14th century indigenous residence exist. Myself and two former monks, now both engaged to be married, decided to walk on the famed escarpment.

The walk terminated at the village where we learned many things about the First Nations People of the area. They were largely vegetarian being nurtured by their staples, corn, beans and squash, called the three sisters.  A person was lucky to reach the age of 40 due to harsh living conditions. A young man and woman could begin having children in their early teens. One hundred people, several families, would live in one long house made primarily of cedar wood and which had lower bunks inside for sleeping and storage for dried food, tools, and other articles on the upper levels.  A longhouse was lit inside with fires whose smoke could escape from openings above. Life was simple fun and challenging.

I asked Yogendra, Dhruva and Aindra, our driver to the location, if they could see themselves living this lifestyle in this organic circumstance.  "Pretty ideal for a brahmacari (monk) ashram don't you think?" I questioned.

They agreed it had the markings of an inspirational existence. Going back to the 1300's, if it were possible, the culture would insist on some meat and fish as part of the diet. We did learn how wild-rice was prepared, more common to the Ojibway tribe, and corn, being so versatile, was utilized in various ways.  Most notable was the incredible reverence these people had for the creator.

Our small group of walkers got very enthused.  We walked into two major festivals, one after the other, to honor the lion avatar, Narasinghadev in Brampton and Toronto respectfully. In fact our reason for parting (with a pardon) from our guide was that we had to go to attend a fire sacrifice and bathing ceremony. He was surprised that we were so native and so Celtic (being a Scotsman).

Yes, we thought, at one time we were all part of one universal family. Then Parasurama, another avatar, came and dispersed us all, followed by a sweeping wave of conquerors in the age of Kali. That broke down communications substantially.

9 Km

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