Tuesday 11 May 2010

Saturday, May 8th, 2010

Moundsville, West Virginia

New Vrindavan is a spiritual oasis in the hills of West Virginia. It becomes a retreat for many pilgrims throughout the year. It also becomes the place for festivities and seminars annually on Mother’s Day Weekend. The program is called FOI standing for Festival of Inspiration.

It is also every year that one particular motivational speaker shares his experience. Some highlights of his talk come right now:

1) Prayers of appreciation are superior to prayers of demand
2) Faith isn’t everything but it rates right up there with oxygen
3) Life is an echo. What you send out comes back.
4) Complacency is the enemy of success.
5) Kindness is one of the highest forms of intelligence
6) Quoting author Jim Collins “The right people don’t think they have jobs. They have responsibilities.”
7) Quoting Ralph W Emerson “The most important gift is to give a portion of yourself”
8) Quoting Rabindranath Tagore “Service is joy”
9) In regards to inconvenience in life, “The brook will lose its’ song when you remove the rocks”

And every year the speaker makes remarks about negative people. This year he pointed out a weakness in pejorative characters by saying, “Many people have a concern about the swine flu but the real issue is the whine flu.”

This latter flu can become epidemical, if not, it already is. We need to raise our consciousness.

5 KM

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