Sunday 5 April 2009

Thursday, April 2nd, 2009

"Comments on the Robes"

Toronto, Ontario

While walking on Yonge St. a young fellow remarked, "Hey man, that a soothing colour you've got on. It goes with the skin and everything." "Well, thank you!" I said as he crossed the street.
Another man in corporate attire walked-up next to me and to my face asking, "So, do the robes work?"

"They are very comfortable," I said.
"How about the cold?"
"Well you wear extra..."
"There is nothing like a good pair of good old long johns," he chuckled.
"So what is your group doing?"
"Maintaining a community, working with youth and instilling some moral values," I answered.

He came on with another question, "Are you winning the battle?"
"You mean the battle of materialism?"
"Yes," he asserted.
"We are putting a small dent in this world of materialism," I assured him.
"That's all you can do," he said as if he was behind us in our humble effort.
It was a final and perfect comment coming from a new friend.

8 Km

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