Monday, 23 August 2010

Saturday, August 14th, 2010

Move to Encourage

Vancouver, British Columbia

In the lower mainland near the Fraser River's delta, you have this shifting land dynamic. The current temple in Burnaby was built on a bog. When the new temple will be constructed to accommodate a growing community, many pilings will be set deep in the ground to create a floating foundation. It is in this area of moving soil that I like to move. Just east of the temple you find an area of farms where I like to trek when I come to Vancouver. It's peaceful there even though the ground may be moving under your feet.

It was me, the monk, who moved out of duty and love, once I arrived from the morning walk, to go from person to person, pilgrim to pilgrim. It was one day before the Rathayatra (Festival of Chariots) soon to be hosted at Stanley Park. People oozing with bhakti (devotion), have come from various parts of North America to partake in the event.

You might call it the one minute management approach, or a kind of schmoozing, a sharing of ideas with peers. It was a time for hearing and giving suggestions for learning and educating.

Time efficiency was the key word (or words) to make a formula that worked. There was little time for everyone but there was enough time. When you are recognized as a leader in your community, the communication has to be relevant, warm, concise and meaningful. At these occasions of intensity, one is forced to use time wisely. You are dealing with future plans and people's lives, and responding to their needs and wants, their traumas, and their dreams; both physical and spiritual.

My moving was continued at Stanley Park, where the evening's kirtan was held. It was the same scenario for me. If I was to dub my service for the day, I would call it: "Encouragement!"

7 KM

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