Friday 4 September 2020

Monday, August 31, 2020

Toronto, Ontario


Your Day Full


We have begun to dedicate our staircase Kirtan (chanting session) to Gopal Krishna Goswami, who is stable in health but still under threat of the virus. We are confident that this pure sound will make its way in the direction where providence will look favourably.


In the kirtan was Sushank, a South Indian, raised in Punjab, who landed himself with a job in Canada. He has been committed to the culture of Krishna for some time. He phoned me up the other day and expressed a wish to go with one of us for a walk and talk. That’s what we did after the chanting.


“How did you get involved (in Krishna consciousness)?” He asked.


So I told him of my journey. I heard of his as well. He was quite content to exchange like this and wanted to walk/talk again in the near future.


“Let’s do it!”


I went down memory lane more than once today, in some manner, by talking at length with Godbrother (Go Bro), Yogesvara, a.k.a. Joshua Green, the author of a number of books including, “Swami in a Strange Land.” He shared with me some of his pastimes when in France and New York. He’s inspiring and I love his book.


I believe that to make your day full you must connect with peers, elders and youngerlings, that way there’s sharing, receiving and giving all wrapped in as one.


May the source be with you!

6 km


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