Monday, 22 May 2017

Tuesday, May 16th, 2017

York, Nebraska

First Steps: Second Half

There we were, Hayagriva and I, taking the first of steps on the second half of the U.S. walk.  I had finished the first half from New York to six miles west of Seward, Nebraska last summer.  Now I’m reconvening with support from Hayagriva and Marshall.

It was 4:38 a.m. when we took those first steps on Highway 34.  One motorist passed by us and he or she phoned the police about a couple of guys in orange jump suits.  This alerted the police to come as quickly as possible.  The officer, a tall, young constable, asked us to stay where we were when he got out of his vehicle.  He was friendly enough with his questions.  We told him we’re just taking a walk to San Francisco.  We proceeded on, and so did he with his duty.

Hayagriva and Marshall are new to my routine, but they’ve adapted quickly.  Together we walk, or drive, and chant and from 8:00 to 9:00 a.m., the boys go to the local town and inform media of our project.  They had instant success with Emily from “The Seward Independent.”

“Let’s go!” she said; so off she drove with a body guard behind her, in a separate vehicle, to meet me on the road for an interview. 
By that time I had already met Chad and son, O’Ryan, who stopped their Toyota truck to ask, “What’s your story?”  So, I gave it.

“I’m walking the US to encourage a walking culture—meditation and introspection.”

“Do you believe in reincarnation?”

“Sure, the Creator gives everyone a second chance to address the demons inside,” I said, to which he nodded.

The city of York also responded well.  Steve of the “York News Times” took an interview “tout de suite.”  He was great! 

May the Source be with you!

21 mi

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