Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Saturday, Aprril 24th, 2010

Sisterly Love

Montreal, Quebec

It had become another excuse to get together. The youth of our center in Montreal organized a talent show of sorts – called Natakam. This word might imply “dance” as the Sanskrit would indicate. Perhaps “performance” would be a more accurate explanation of what went on. Drama, song, some dance and clowning were features of a show that hopes to become an annual event.

After an early walk in Toronto I became part of a pleasant “pile into the van” as Toronto also participated in the fun. It reminds me of the early days when Buffalo, a city of a mere two hour drive away, and Toronto collaborated as communities. We did things together. It was like a sister temple dynamic. And so in the late seventies Montreal and Toronto became more actively those sister temples. From the mid-eighties up until recently we encountered a bit of a lull in this regard. In the past the collaboration of temples was a very healthy experience.

I am moved, deeply, by the fervour for devotion as exemplified by this upcoming generation. It tells me something good – that spiritual life is embedded into the hearts of these special folks. It also means the consciousness for Krishna is here to stay at least for the current generation. Let’s see what comes for the next wave.

The performances were astounding although some fine-tuning is required especially if you want to go public. I suggested the two bhajan (devotional song) groups incorporate a less stoic appearance as currently they are just sitting on the floor in the yogic posture. Getting off the floor and introducing some dance steps could boost the excitement.

To all those on the stage, I give, as a spectator, a big round of applause. “Bravo!” “Bravo!”

8 KM

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