Sunday 29 July 2018

Friday, July 20th, 2018

Thunder Bay, Ontario

By the Old Chief

Dhruva, who’s 19, accompanied me from the Sanskriti Centre, on foot to the Marina Park. He is a resident of Toronto and walks about daily.

“It’s about 1.5 kilometres I do, every day,” he said.

I suggested that at his age he would do well to add on a few extra kilometres; that it’s a good habit to practise.  He was agreeable.

We met people along the way, on Memorial, and to our surprise, a number of them knew about the festival tomorrow.  10,000 people attended last year.  That makes it close to 10% of the population who came to engage in hearing, chanting, dancing and eating, all on the basis of tasting higher consciousness.  That’s good reporting.  Let’s see how things unfold tomorrow.

Once Dhruva and I reached Marina Park, we met with the major balance of our crew. A pleasant kirtanensued.    It was a promotion for tomorrow, in as much as it was done for our own purification.  We were in view of the Sleeping Giant rock formation.  Anyone new to the area, when it’s pointed out, can see the legendary chief lying down in his restful pose.  Even young Saihaj, age nine, could make out the image.  By the way, he’s not a bad singer. Accompanying his mum, our dancer, he’s really thriving on this trip.  He’s made many friends—us, all adults.  It’s an adventure for all of us, being in a new venue each day with logistics being what they are, and being in some kind of divine flux.

May the Source be with you!
7 km

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