Tuesday, 17 January 2012

Monday, January 16th, 2012

Do Something About It

Toronto, Ontario
I will continue to promote the walking culture to colleagues and dependents, students and anyone who seeks life improvement.

Here's what I stumbled upon (with eyes) written by author Colin Fletcher:

"I had better admit right away that walking can in the end become an addiction, and that it is then as deadly as fashion or heroine or television or the stock exchange. But even in this final stage it remains a delectable madness, very good for sanity, and I recommend it with a passion."

You know how I don't care if people call me a fanatic when I fire out words about taking care of yourself. Yura, a young York U student picked me up at the airport and I asked the usual, "How's your health?" as much as I say, "How's your Sadhana?" which is in reference to a metaphysical workout.

Yura expressed he has tension in his machinery and especially in his lower back. "Well do you walk?" I asked. Yura is in his early 20's.

To paraphrase his answer, he said that it was minimal. So then I got on his case for letting his many hours of study indoors stand in the way of his overall well-being. As Mark Twain said, "Don't let school get in the way of your education." In the same way, don't let current living conditions restrict you from the healthy and sane life.

We have potential. Look at your frame. Is it for flying? Swimming at long lengths? Unrestricted sex? No! Then what? Think about it and do something about it!

8 Km

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