Monday 14 November 2011

Saturday, November 12th, 2011

A different Sound in New Orleans

New Orleans, Louisiana

Canal and N. Peters were the streets where the Festival of Chariots took place. It's a procession, so naturally walking is incorporated into it. The public locals and tourists, responded so well. As usual, as time progresses, participation swells.

Our rendez-vous point was at Washington Square Park. There, a great feast was served for all, exhibits and a stage show were high-lighted. Unfortunately a few items including our drama got transcendentally bumped-off the schedule as the colorful carriot and procession arrived late at the spot and a group of professional singers were needing their time to perform.

Our drama troupe decided to tunr what could have been a negative into a positive by wearing their costumes while chanting in the streets of the French Quarter, as an event in itself. Based on the success of the previous night we felt it was a win-win situation. Our group was talented and chipper enough to not feel wasted by engaging in the ultimate beneficial service through the spiritual feel good event of Hari Nama chanting. We only needed to be cautious near the mule and horses drawing the carriages. They respond wildly to the hand cymbals.

In the French Quarter merchants and shoppers demonstrated participation through dance. When we diverted to one street we accidentally bumped into a Jewish wedding procession. Our drums blended into their horns and so it went for several blocks.

The chanting on this Sabbath evening will remain memorable for all those in the fire of singing and body movement. It's this chanting that takes centre stage to everything else including rituals and even eating the spiritual food. It is inclusive, joyful and rests on the bosom of Vedic wisdom. Yes, the king of knowledge is expressed in this most exuberant way,

12 Km

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