Sunday 27 February 2011

Friday, February 25th, 2011


Mayapura, India

I had expressed to the room of 75+ people that I have certain passions. As facilitator of a Creative Arts Initiative I spoke daringly ( you see, speaking to peers in volume is a little intimidating for me). I mentioned that I have passions apart from walking and one of them is the arts. I've been called different names for this reason. Put "Walking Monk" aside. There's "Dancing Monk", "Singing Monk", and "Drama Swami."

I addressed the group. "We have a great team for the initiative. And here's our vision statement.

"To inspire, nurture and network artistic talent, thereby creating a fraternal community spirit for artists, thus attracting the public and patrons of the arts through quality presentations. These presentations will serve to bring to life the cultural and spiritual values of the Vedic teachings as delivered by Srila Prabhupada."

This vision statement appeared to get a positive response from the group. They also reacted well to our name which is "VANDE" meaning "Vaishnava Arts for a New Devotional Era."

The presentation that was made to introduce to the body of senior men and women at this year's AGM was made on the previous day. It kick-started all other presenters. I contemplated on the positive reaction while walking the rural lane behind our temple. It was soothing contemplation. Now our group "Vande" need only act on the initiative.

Proposing to do something is one thing. Acting on it is another.

7 KM

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