Thursday 7 May 2020

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Kensington market, Toronto

Keep An Eye on the Beams

I was enticed to visit my usual kirtan post in Kensington market and to Bellevue Square Park where people are overall quite receptive to our chanting.  The park was quiet and most stores are locked down.  But you do have the grass-bound people sitting there and shoppers for grocery essentials as well as take out-orders from restaurants.  I say it’s more calm than usual but always someone lurks there.

It was on my walk to and fro that significant contacts were made.  I’m speaking of people along the way who just gave greetings of “Hare Krishna.”  I don’t know them by face but they seem to know us. This is one reason why I like to be out—to make good connections or re-connections.

One woman of Danish background stopped her cycling to talk, “Hare Krishna! I’m Hanna, actually I go by the spiritual name ‘Gauri.’  I spent two months in Mayapura with my daughter who’s in Brooklyn and visit our temple there from time to time.”

It was a fine conversation.  People do network by travel, being online and in this case, staying in their city and trying to go deeper into life.  We all should definitely be in the spirit and not totally in a survival mode.

Anyways, I was impressed with the kindness of folks.  Maybe it’s that neighbourhood.  Maybe it’s the sun.  Spring.  The stark colours coming out of the ground.

Speaking of “coming out of” keep an eye on the beams and pillars that hold up your structure.  A lion may burst forth from your foundation and dismantle a few things while boosting your spiritual-self.  This is the eve of the anniversary appearance of the lion avatar, Narasingha.  So readings are happening.  Tune in to a class on the 6th am at 7:30 EST with ISKCON Toronto Facebook.

May the Source be with you!

Tune in to ISKCON Toronto’s Facebook page this week for the following events:

May 6th from 6pm – 8pm EST for Special Darshan, Kirtan & Abhishek
            An Auspicious Nrsimha Yagna for the Well-Being of Everyone

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