Sunday, 19 January 2020

Tuesday, January 14th, 2020

Toronto, Ontario


I rather surprised myself, on this second consecutive day, with a nighttime walk.  Corrado has now moved into the ashram with us, and he and I set a spontaneous faster-than-usual pace.  Both times I returned from a spritely trek in the neighbourhood, feeling no joint issues, especially with my knees.

What certainly contributed to the uninterrupted speed was the no-ice factor.  We have been running on above-freezing temperatures, and I'm not complaining.  Mind you, I am a bit of a sucker for the white snow.  But I am like most people—I don't want to go over my quota of the stuff.  

In speaking on the phone today to two Calgarians, when they said they were going through a forty-below-zero spell, I felt the chill in my bones, only because I've been there before.  Why not try 50 below in Saskatoon?  It's really something.

But feel the warmth, or feel the freeze, Krishna tells us in the Bhagavad-Gita that "it is all only by sense perception.”  Because we are not really this physical body with sensory organs hooked to it , it relieves us to know that we are beyond all of this.  We are transcendental.  Real life is with the spirit, and not with the flickering and mistrusting material energy. 

In two days, I'll be in Trinidad, and the weather will show a side of sticky heat.  Maybe so.  You never know.  It is unpredictable.  The uncertainty of it all makes life adventurous.  

May the Source be with you!
5 km

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