Saturday, 4 January 2020

Thursday, January 2nd, 2020


By the Metal Eagles

I have often wondered what it would be like to walk around near the airport while those metal eagles (aircraft) are coming in for a landing or up for a take-off.  I saw an opportunity today as I headed in the direction of Brampton for an evening house sangha at Nanda Maharaj Das’.

It was as I suspected.  There were lots of roaring sounds from traffic on Dixon, then Airport Road up to beyond Steeles Avenue.  There is nothing romantic nor scenic about the area, and I was rather disappointed with the trash along the roadway.  The consolation was the occasional pedestrian who was kind enough to reciprocate with a gesture of "Happy New Year!”  I figured that it was harmless.  It happened that two motorists at a forty minute interval turned around, after seeing my robes, to offer a ride.  Ajit was one and Sarvesvara was another.  Bless their hearts.  I had to politely decline.

Once I reached Derry Road, the Indian spices were permeating the air in Malton.  It was also one of those days where the exhaust was quite strong and coming up through the nostrils.  The Indian Bazaar scents were a pleasant relief.  Restaurants can be fun and save the day.

Nanda found me after I trekked a good two hours or more.  It was past dusk and time for the destination—his home.  There we met families who were eager to advance in Krishna Consciousness.  I hope I was for them some kind of inspiration, from what I spoke about,  and what I did for a duration of three hours there.

May the Source be with you!
8 km

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