Wednesday 20 June 2018

Friday, June 15th, 2018

Edmonton, Alberta

Outing in Edmonton

For years I’ve been conducting satsangs or home programs which feature kirtan, talks and Prasadand often walking to the place of action.  Ananda is an excellent tabla player who accompanied me on 34thStreet in Edmonton.  The sky was a grey-blue, the hue that let us know it’s not going to stay.  A partial rainbow, meaning not fully-arched to our vision, made an appearance in that sky.

Generally these satsangs occur in the evening and are culminated with a meal.  However, upon arriving from our walk at the home of Yogendra, and settling down, I grumbled to our host about late-night eating not being good for you.  Yogendra concurred and so in the most jolly way we ate and chatted.  Then the kirtanwas begun by expert singer Nitai, followed by my talk on the personality, Akrura.  He was a personality not liked by the residents of Vrindavan—Krishna’s village—for taking Krishna away to the city.

I also did a reading ofThe Gopis Attracted by the Flute of Krishna.  The children who came with their moms and dads assembled in front of me. Unbelievably, they were most attentive.

The food was great and we ended with kombucha.  Yogendra insisted everyone dance during the kirtanso we all were inspired in a mix of Chaitanya spirit and “Grease.”  It was most enjoyable, thanks to the Edmonton team.

May the Source be with you!
6 km

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