Wednesday, 23 September 2015

Monday, September 14th, 2015

Monday, September 14th, 2015
Toronto, Ontario

Make Time to Walk

Now is not the time for me to make up excuses for lack of walking.  I flew from Houston in a 2 1/2 hour flight so I can't say that travelling chewed up all my time.  I just have to prioritize and make sure the legs, feet, torso, arms, and head get what they deserve.

How do I use precious time in one of my days? To answer that, I'll say that as an irregular pattern, when I stay grounded for a few days in one location, it can look something like this:

3:30 am     Rise & shower

3:45 am     Chant on japa beads

4:30 am     Chant to guru and Krishna

7:00 am     Greeting of the deity

7:30 am     Teach from Bhagavatam (or be a student)

8:30 am     Plan travel, catch up on e-mails

9:30 am     Catch up on lost rest

10:30 am   Shower & more office work, counselling in person or on the phone

12:00 noon Gayatri mantra and lunch

12:30 pm   More of the above plus cleaning, planning, working on drama scripts & productions, dealing with people, may include public kirtan

6:00 pm     Dinner

6:30 pm     Class or walk for as long as I can, write, read, and sometimes drama practice

11:00 pm   Rest

Now today, I caught Ravi who frequents our temple and I asked him to be my walking partner for next to an hour or so.  What I admire about him is that although his residence is 1 1/2 kilometres from our temple ashram he walks there all the time.  He does not drive and will not buy a car.  Transportation is by city transit or by walking.  He and I took to walking around the Annex area.  It made my day complete.

May the Source be with you!
5 km


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