Saturday 16 November 2013

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

Wendy and I Talking

Gainesville, Florida

Wendy is a Lutheran, Christian based person, who is open enough to adapt to the policy of Darwin’s evolution.  It’s not usually a Christian option.  She also is open enough that the current Vatican Pope is a pleasant guy who walks his talk.

When I first began speaking to Wendy, she was obviously friendly.  She stated her name and said she looks after horses.  I asked her, “Now, where do horses originate from, from Arab countries?”

“Yes, I believe that’s where they first came from.”

“And zebras, being horse-like, how do they fit into the picture?”  I asked.

“I’m not quite sure, but the speculation is that they once were the size of dogs that evolved.”

I didn’t really let Wendy know that I personally don’t prescribe to Darwin’s doctrine.  I did, however, speak on the Vedic perspective on evolution.

“The individual self takes on a body beginning from a one-celled creature.  And each successive life thereafter is a slightly more progressed form of existence.  Finally, one reaches the stage of having a human form, and from there, demonstrates his/her uniqueness through inquiry beyond food tasting, sexual pursuits, defense and sleep.”

Wendy and I also talked about the three forces of nature as outlined in the text spoken by Krishna in the Gita.  You have these three powers called gunas, referred to as sattva, raja and tama.  They impact us all positively and negatively and through self discipline, one can overcome them.

Wendy and I were on American Airlines en route to Gainesville.  No, I didn’t meet her on the road.  Foot travel was to happen later on in the day at the sandy soils of Alachua.  Just before pre-boarding, all passengers waiting heard a very annoyed woman speaking to someone on the other side of the phone.  She exuded a wrath that could raise hell.  The volume of voice and intensity of emotions were such that she had everyone’s eyebrow upraised, including Wendy’s.

“I could feel the woman’s negative energy,” Wendy remarked.

I invited Wendy to our Alachua community nearby and I said, “If you see me walking in the area, if you’re in a car, please honk.  If you’re galloping on a horse, please let the horse neigh.”  She expressed that she would definitely do that.  I was glad to have made a friend and I left her with the great mantra that makes a person shine more, “Hare Krishna”, and I did offer my salutations to her with the remark, “May the Source be with you!”

5 KM

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