Monday 25 January 2021

Wednesday, January 20th, 2021

Ramsden Park, Toronto


I Heard the Beautiful Sound


I heard the beautiful drone sound, and a voice of sincerity accompanying it, both leaking through the door where I was solemnly sedentary. The music compelled me to get off my seat, take approximately eight steps to the door with an anticipation to eavesdrop.


To get to the source, one floor down under the balcony of the temple room, I quietly made a decent on the stairs and finally stepped onto the same level. Almost tippy-toed, I went with a camera in hand. The sound was mesmerizing and I know it came from our cook’s mouth; as far as the song was concerned. Dwarkanatha is his name. I’ve introduced him before.


Recently some hot cooking oil landed on one of his fingers, which incapacitated his ability to beat the drum at kirtan (chanting) time. I have had to step in as a poor substitute. Playing the harmonium was something he could handle.


I slowly snuck up to the melodious creature, Dwarkanath, and there recorded, closely to his voice, the sound of transcendence. He was seated on the floor with right hand to the keyboard and left hand, pumping the bellows. He had a smile on his face.


It was not the first time I took him by surprise. I was drawn to the sound as it seemed to pierce a hole into the thick Covid-virus mood of depression that is rather pervasive. Not so much in our temple but around us in the regular atmosphere, the public is taking a strong beating of fear, loss and insecurity.


In general, I’m just making an observation that the panacea for today’s ills is positive, spiritual sound vibration.


May the Source be with you!

2 km


I invite you to view our new film, Rolling the Dice:


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