Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Friday, January 8, 2021

243 Avenue Road, Toronto

A Day

I just wasn’t bold at all in terms of walking. I merely went around the block at 4 a.m., before the first rite of the day — mangal arati. The rest of my day of devotion entailed calls and meetings — all very meaningful. It included discussions about our mission in Cuba, where I’ve been involved for 12 years. The pandemic has not been easy on that country, like many. Our devotees are not able to gather together and Zoom is somewhat difficult to utilize due to lack of internet access.


I did enjoy the call with two other swamis, Guru Prasad Swami, from Texas, and Yadunandan Swami, from Spain. Spain is aslo having it tough with Covid; multiple deaths occurring each day. And we all know that the US is challenged big time, not only with the virus but also political upheaval in Washington DC. Here, in the province of Ontario, officials are talking about a possible curfew at certain hours.


If that be the case then I’ll switch timing and get my slow trotting in during sanctioned hours. Anyway — curfew — never would believe that such an imposition could be possible in a peaceful place like Canada. I’m glad I was able to catch a glimpse of the lake yesterday. I might not be able to get there in a while.


It was beautiful — clear, calm, tempting and almost irresistible. A polar bear dip perhaps? I always liked lake water. I grew up with massive lakes in every direction around me. In any event, as a monk one must resist the irresistible and accept the many items that come to me. Resist that which you can’t change but change that which you can. Work on yourself. Time will allow but don’t wait too long.


May the source be with you!

0 km


Please view our new film, Rolling the Dice:



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