Thursday, 31 December 2020

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Rosedale, Toronto


Shaking Hands With Many


Every time I step out the door it becomes like a handshake with the elements. It is the greeting of friends. After a day of interaction with comrades inside the ashram, and on the phone with the members of our spiritual family, I found further fortune in my connecting with nature’s buddies. Mr. Air, Mr. Raindrop, Mr. Snow, Mr. Ether and Mr. Breeze were all together. It was night and in the course of ambling along I eventually saw Mr. Moon peaking as well. Oh, he was tall; up high.


The sound was extraordinary. Because of the thaw all that was hard from frost was now dripping and dropping and trickling. It was a concert of sound. Very sweet! Nature was on no lock-down. The beauty of it all was a human silence. Except for a small group coming out of a home you couldn’t help but sense the tranquility.


It is hard to imagine us not meeting at Old City Hall this year, where we are accustomed to beating mallets on drums and pushing mantras with out lungs after the countdown for the New Year. Anyway, we are booked up for an hour’s slot of kirtan at 7:30 a.m. EST, nighttime in India, which is closer to the actual change of calendar.


May the wind blow that page!


I also wanted to offer a reminder that we are broadcasting our film, “Rolling the Dice” via YouTube, 4:45 p.m. EST. I pray for impeccable technological output. In fact, I’ve prayed for a lot of things this evening. Especially for the diminishment of confusion that has arrived from the Covid-19 virus. May bewilderment be replaced by clarity with the help of mantra.


May the source be with you!

3 km


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