Thursday 31 December 2020

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Rosedale, Toronto


The Topic


Victor came to join me today while the source of vitamin D was upon us. Sarthak also came, a first time for him. He just arrived from India. He already has his PR, permanent residency. “PR used to mean public relations,” I said.


My two companions laughed. I know when I was a teen that term used to imply something kind of dirty, illicit or whatever.


Halfway into our walk I received a call from Nicholas and Gabriel. Oh yes, it’s our weekly Gita discussion at 2:30 p.m. We rushed back and I jumped for that great weekly opportunity and had to bid farewell to Victor and Sarthak.


Chapter Three is entitled “Karma Yoga” and a section of it addresses lust, but we didn’t quite reach that topic, yet it did enter our conversation. In fact, we didn’t get beyond one verse; text thirty. Of course, both guys, whom I would easily classify as devotees, are in their twenties. We also delved into the subject of women and their place in the Vedic context as well as today’s context. The topic was stimulating.


Anyway, more to go over when we will discuss the position of gay and lesbian life with respect to Krishna consciousness. We know that sex is on the minds of many people. Of course, no one is against it but some guidelines are given on how to perceive the issue from a Vedic point of view. We will definitely cover the subject next week, hopefully when I am stationary and have completed my walk for the day. We’ll also discuss it with my walking companions, one day.


May the source be with you!

4 km



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