Saturday 9 August 2014

Wednesday, July 30th, 2014

Tenerife, Spain

I’m In Spain

I’m in Spain, or to be more specific, in Tenerife, to meet students of mine from Cuba.  I will deliver some classes in the science of bhakti and also pull together some drama for the weekend Ratha Yatra Chariot Festival. 

In a resort area of Tenerife’s south coast, I’m accommodated in a quiet apartment across from the “Rhythm and Booze Pub”.  The twisty, windy streets are interesting from a walking perspective.  People are nice, “Hola” is how you address everyone, even tourists from Germany, Britain, and of course, Spain.  Residents in this area of Paraiso are posh and you’ll also find squatters at the beach nearby.  One devotee from Madrid suggested that these are gypsies who have set up camp. 

There are also Indian shop owners here.  I entered a boutique shop called “Shanta’s”.  The clerk is a man from Rajasthan, or that part of India where gypsies originally hailed from.  He was nice, a little surprised to see a Caucasian swami in his shop.  We talked.  It was his pleasure and mine. 

Prasadam (sanctified veggie food) is provided by Cuban born Julan Yatra, as well as the special maha prasadam, or remnants of the Krishna deity from the local ISKCON temple. 

In the walking that I pursued today, I also came upon a Tibetan temple.  I poked my head inside but did not enter.  I was content to just look.  A Spanish fellow said in a local language, something like, “You can enter at your own leisure.”  I indicated that, “Everything’s okay.”  He came back with a warm, and in American lingo, “Whatever!”

All is fresh and great for me in this one of seven islands known as the Canary Islands.  I stick by the maha mantra wherever I am.  As I walk I chant “Hare Krishna Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare”.

May the Source be with you!

8 KM

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