Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Monday, March 26th, 2012

Disciplining the legs

Toronto, Ontario

Temperature dipped down to close to freezing after a spring burst. Well on its way, the season was really looking and feeling more like summer with the climate rising to the 20’s Celsius. The change was just a trite intimidating for early morning walk so I opted for pacing indoors up and down the temple foyer. I guess you could say I was getting myself psyched up for some total indoor experiences.

The next 27 hours beginning tonight were going to be compressed air realities in planes and airports.

I was reading a short bio about Dietrick Bonhoeffer. Once a Lutheran pastor, he eventually became a prisoner under the Nazi regime for criticizing publicly the Nazi government. He was an avid walker who once entering prison kept up his exercise by spending three hours each day pacing his cell .
I do feel this Bonhoeffer syndrome sometimes, cooped-up indoors in restricted and confined situation when it goes on for hours. Nevertheless it has to be done in order to take the stretches of travel as a modern day monk.

My Dad taught me not to complain too much saying, “it makes you a bad person.” So I take it as part of an austerity to be boxed up at times and that my legs from time to time must learn discipline by not moving so much. You must live on the virtue of tolerance. Let the legs be like roots of trees …immobile.

The Air France flight to Paris was rather pleasant, in fact, with great service and with two seats to myself. I got some reading in with perusing through conversations our guru had with journalists on conspiracy theories such as his challenging the moon mission. I slept not a wink. And I won’t complain.

Dad would have been proud of me.

2 Km

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