Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Friday, February 7th, 2020

Mayapura, India

Nityananda At the Heart

It was announced that all attendees should come with medical masks on during the morning sadhana, (unless I heard wrong).  I'm not sure of the practicality of such a recommendation for guarding oneself from the current dreaded coronavirus going around.  I can understand the need for protection, but how can this be accomplished?  I can't see someone giving a class with a mask on, can you?  How about someone leading kirtan (a chant)?

We'll put that to the side for the moment.

Today, devotees of the Vaishnava tradition have enjoyed the celebration of the birth anniversary of Sri Nityananda.  He is loved for His big heart in demonstrating compassion for the two lowly drunken brothers, Jagai and Madhai.  He had an extrovertedness that was admired, as he was quite fearless in sharing the gift of bhakti devotion with anyone and everyone. 

A half-day fast was honoured in His name.  Many choices were offered at feast-time, but frankly I am always more impressed with the option of a simple kichari (a rice-lentil dish) and steamed veggies I then mix into it).  Dessert is the devotees you get to associate with at meal time.

A hot topic that came up at our table was the approval versus non-approval of female gurus.  Our table was for this, and we felt that the con group is lingering in unfairness.  Our beloved guru, Prabhupada, was so very encouraging, saying that if one is conversant in the science of Krishna Consciousness, then he or she is qualified as teacher.

May the Source with with you!
4 km

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