Wednesday 11 June 2014

Monday, June 9th, 2014

Salmo, British Columbia


From the summit of the Kootenays, Karuna and I began our descent.  The experience of the downward trend is quite different.  Now, we flowed with the water which is a snow-thawed river called Lost Creek.  We also saw no buildings as on our ascent, because this is apparently Crown Land.  The leg muscles used for reaching the valley at the bottom are also different than the muscles used for the upward climb.  And instead of hitting cool breezes as we gained elevation levels yesterday, today we entered more warmth.  Now, finally we saw at the base of the Kootenay Summit Pass, our first house.  It was a change from seeing trees, mountains and gushing waters for two days with no human habitat. 

Daruka took us back over the summit by car after our reaching the mountain’s base.  It’s actually a bit hard on the engine.  Happy duty called for an engagement at the Creston Yoga Centre where we delivered Tails From Trails, and then mantra meditation.  I love the questions that came forth, addressing the hurdles of ego, temptations and so on.  I believe that these people in the heart aspire to be righteous and to be clean inwardly.  When someone asked in the group if I’m enlightened, I could honestly respond that it’s a work in progress and that it’s a long road. 

Two more beautiful things transpired in Creston.  There was an interview with a local FM station, and most important was meeting Lorne again from ‘The Advance’ paper.  He remembers me from 2006 and interviewed me once again.  Also, something needs to be said about the moose and the bear that were curious about the walking monk and his companion, Karuna.  No interviews came from them, they were just inquisitive.

May the Source be with you!

33 KM

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