Friday 21 March 2014

Thursday, March 20th, 2014

Winnipeg, Manitoba

Shoe Guru

I’m not a shopper, but sometimes you have to…  In my possession I have summer Crocs and winter snow boots.  There is nothing that is appropriate for the seasons in between, so I decide I have to secure something for the feet.
It’s spring today, officially, but not in reality.  Colossal snow sculptures, remnants from the recent Voyagers Festival, still adorn some of the medians at city boulevards.  They are impressive.  Still, it’s winter.
To address my need the generous Daruka, my benevolent support person throughout this recent cross-country walk, drove me to Canadian Footwear Limited on Adelaide Street.  Billy was the name of the clerk dealing with us.  He was terrific and did a super job.  He sold me a pair of Gortex hiking shoes.  I did joke with him,” I was initially thinking along the lines of getting flippers,” considering the pools of water being formed outside, a result of the snow’s thaw.  He was inquisitive about the order I belong to.  My robes usually hit people’s curiosity button.  His presumption was that I was Buddhist

“Krishna!”  I said, “Hare Krishna!  Origins – India.”

Pleasantly he asked, “What brought you to this?” 

And I responded by explaining my thirst for simplicity of life.  He asked about my fourth time walking the country, and I explained, “To promote pilgrimage.”  But more so, I remained attentive to getting the shoes I needed and to achieving the best buy for the best product.   Billy was also focused on the sale and the product.  I continued the conversation.  “In my youthful days of quest, I listened to the Beatles.  They went to India, they went spiritual.”

“Oh yeah, the sitar and all that,” Billy recalled.  Billy was smooth as ice.  A super sales person.  He’s like a shoe guru. 

Now, for the test on my shoes.  Doug, a friend also with us, who put in half towards the purchase, took a stroll with me through the business district of town.  What a slush world it is.  My new booties held out, and I thank Krishna for seeing to it that I had provisions for my tootsies.  Hare Krishna.

May the Source be with you.

5 KM

 Billy at Canadian Footwear in Winnipeg helps the Walking Monks buy a new pair of shoes

 Snow Sculptures in Winnipeg

Snow Sculptures in Winnipeg

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