Wednesday 13 February 2008

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thurs. January 17/08 - Columbus, Ohio
My hosts for today was Naveen Krishna and family in a Colunbus suburb, upper Arlington in a section of town with zero crime rate. An early morning walk through this neighborhood of well maintained residences and plenty of churches convinced me that I’m in conservative middle-class America and in a safe zone. The irony is that this whole mundane exsistance is fraught with the insecurities of death, old age and disease. This may seem as cynical to say but such truth cannot be clothed. Life is harsh!
My father was the epitome of energy, a robust rock and the farthest point from being a dead – dad. He was upbeat. The pity of life is to see something so powerful diminish and shut down. He is relieved now and so am I. May he be better situated in a new life of (don’t know the word) and I thank him for being my first guru and instilling in me a taste for spirituality that has become a life-line.
My mourning for him is over and I was able to participate forthrightly in a program held weekly at the ISKCON centre.

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