Thursday 7 February 2008

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sat. Dec. 29/07 - Toronto, Ontario
I was impressed with the turn out of the youths at the Armenian last rites services from two days before. I felt secure knowing that in our world a younger set can generate felling and have a heart.
Not related to this event but to the participation of youth in our own community today persons from New York, North Carolina, Montreal, Edmonton and the locally-bound converged at our acoustically-fine hall on Avenue road to engage in a weekend Kirtan. It felt good.
They sang well and played well the mrdangas (drums), harmonium and hand cymbals. They relish each others company. They cook for themselves and make extra amounts of food for comers to the temple. This is the real richness of life-social interaction with a spiritual center.
I had tackled making breakfast here for two days in a row with the good Devadatta the monk. It was coming out fairly satisfactory.
On the early trek down Yonge street I noticed the news stands with captions surrounding the death of political leader, Bhutto, of Pakistan. The world is troubled and most disunited. May we take a lesson from youths at their best!
8 kms

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